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Enrollment in an initial teacher preparation program requires admission to the College of Education as a prerequisite to all teaching methodology courses, student teaching, and other professional education courses in the course listings.

Admission to the College of Education is based on academic record, good character, and proficiency in basic skills. Students who meet all admission requirements are eligible to apply to the College of Education for formal admission.

Undergraduate admission also requires the successful completion of the university qualifying examinations in English, mathematics, and reading, unless the TAP examination was passed prior to the time of admission to Chicago State University in a teacher education program.

Admission Criteria

Academic Record: Admission to the College of Education in a bachelor's degree or nondegree licensure-only program requires a minimum program GPA of 2.5 in all course work required in the teacher preparation program, either as transfer credit or completed at Chicago State University. Effective Fall 2007, admission to the College of Education requires minimally acceptable grades in all program-applicable courses completed at Chicago State University. At the time of admission, students must be within 12 semester hours of completing their general education requirements.

Character: Admission to the College of Education requires that candidates have no unresolved violations of the COE Professional Code of Conduct and a "clear" criminal 238 background. Admission to the College of Education also requires a personal reference and a recommendation from the academic department.

Scores on the ACT plus Writing (minimum composite score of 22 and minimum combined English/Writing score of 19) and SAT score reports (minimum composite on the critical reading + mathematics of 1030 and minimum score on the writing of 450) that are up to 10 years old. The official score report can be no older than 10 years old at the time of submission to ISBE and must include a writing component.

Note: The College of Education nor Chicago State University is responsible for changes implemented by ISBE or any other governing agency.

Undergraduate admission also requires the successful completion of the university qualifying examinations in English, mathematics, and reading, unless the TAP examination was passed prior to the time of admission to Chicago State University in a teacher education program.

Licensed Teachers Seeking Additional Endorsements and/or Certificates

Licensed teachers may qualify for a waiver of admission to the College if they provide a current State of Illinois Initial or Standard Teacher License to the licensure counselor in the academic department offering the needed course(s) for a designated endorsement or licensure program. If the teacher registers for a course that has a field experience hour requirement, teachers may submit proof of employment in a school setting and evidence to demonstrate a "clear" background check to satisfy the background check requirement.

Policies for Post-Baccalaureate Students Seeking Initial Licensure

Individuals who possess a bachelor's degree and wish to earn an initial teacher license may apply as licensure students for admission to a non-degree (described in this section) program or a master's degree approved program that satisfies state of Illinois licensure requirements (described in the Graduate Catalog). Students enroll as post baccalaureate students at the graduate level but follow the undergraduate initial licensure program requirements. Licensure programs leading to initial licensure are available in early childhood education, bilingual education, elementary education, middle and secondary education, or K-12 education.

Licensure students may make an appointment with licensure counselors in the academic departments to have their transcripts evaluated in order to determine eligibility for the master's degree program and deficiencies in courses necessary for initial licensure. Initial licensure requires completing the approved licensure program, including the successful completion of state licensure examinations such as the Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) in basic skills, Content Area Examinations, and Assessment of Professional Teaching (APT).

Students who have completed a teacher preparation program here or elsewhere, but are not certified in Illinois, and who have been evaluated by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to determine specific course deficiencies for an initial teacher certificate, may enroll in courses leading to initial licensure through ISBE transcript evaluation. Students who have been issued an ISBE deficiency statement must meet requirements for admission to the College of Education and course prerequisite requirements in order to enroll in teaching methodology courses or student teaching.

Students who obtain licensure through ISBE transcript evaluation are enrolled as graduate students-at-large and are not eligible to receive an institutional recommendation from Chicago State University for licensure in Illinois or in any other state. Students holding a current State of Illinois Initial, Standard, or Master Teacher Certificate are exempt from meeting the College of Education admission requirements prior to enrolling in licensure courses. Licensed teachers must present a current license to a certification counselor in the academic department before enrolling in licensure courses for the first time. The following certificates/licenses do not qualify for this exemption: substitute, transitional bilingual, provisional vocational, administrative, and school service personnel. Please contact the Licensure Services unit at 773/995-2519 or visit ED 312, for assistance. Additional information is located on the College website at

Admission Criteria

The teacher education program at Chicago State University has established critical guidelines for student teaching to ensure program integrity and to provide quality educational experiences. All students completing an initial teacher preparation program are required to student teach five full days per week for 16 weeks. To be eligible for student teaching, the student must have:

  • been admitted into the College of Education;
  • presented evidence of a passing result on both the Illinois Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) in basic skills or its equivalency and the Licensure Content Area Test;
  • attained a minimum GPA of 2.5 (undergraduate or non-degree) which is required in the following: all course work required in the program (Program GPA); all course work in the area of specialization or concentration (with the exception of Art Education, which requires a minimum GPA of 3.0); and all course work in professional education (with the exception of Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education, which require a minimum GPA of 3.0). Higher grade point average requirements may be included in individual program listings. A 3.0 GPA is required in MAT professional education coursework;
  • completed all course and departmental prerequisite requirements, including the program-specified number of preclinical field experience hours, a preclinical field practicum and/or internship, and the successful completions of an oral interview examination;
  • a current tuberculosis test (PPD);
  • a "cleared" background check, including fingerprint analysis (and drug testing, as appropriate);
  • a signed copy of Article 21 of the Illinois School Code; and
  • zero unresolved violations of the COE Professional Code of Conduct.

Student Teaching Option for Full-time Substitutes

Full-time substitute teachers enrolled in a master's degree or non-degree licensure program for initial licensure may qualify for a student teaching option in their own classroom without relinquishing their position or salary if they meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum grade point average of 3.0 in each of the following areas: all course work required in the program, the area of specialization or concentration, and professional education;
  • Minimum of six semesters of full-time teaching experience with total responsibility for an assigned classroom;
  • Classroom assignment matching the area of licensure the semester before student teaching;
  • Three positive evaluations of classroom teaching performance from current school principal and one from the campus-based internship supervisor;
  • Request from school's principal for student teaching placement in current classroom; and identification of a site-based supervisor;
  • Recommendations from two teaching colleagues in the school;
  • Professional development outside of course work in the form of in-services, workshops, conferences, and/or membership in professional organizations;
  • Portfolio of sample curriculum materials, lesson plans, and an analysis and reflection to demonstrate a meaningful impact on student learning or the learning environment;
  • Passing scores on the Illinois Licensure tests: Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) in basic skills or its equivalency, Content Area and Assessment of Professional Teaching;
  • Completion of 50 secondary and 50 elementary field experience hours (by students in K-12 programs only);
  • Minimum of 100 field experience hours in public schools if student teaching assignment is in a private school (no field experience hours can be waived for teaching experience).

For additional information concerning student teaching or the student teaching option for fulltime substitutes, contact the Community Outreach and Field Placement (COFPS) Services unit in ED 322 or call 773/995-2392.